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Advice from Chris Latham To Keep Fit & Healthy

Written by Jeremy Chin-Fatt | Jul 30, 2016 11:00:00 PM

It is officially Summer and that means everyone is trying to keep fit and healthy to get beach body ready. Being a professional athlete Chris Latham knows a thing or two about training, eating healthily and remaining at his peak performance. Read his advice to help you get in shape this summer:

"I think the first and most important part is to enjoy any exercise you wish to undertake. Whether you're trying to lose weight or just get fit in general, the worst thing is to view it as a chore. Find the best activity for you, your body's ability and your personality. 

I am bias but obviously the first sport I would recommend would be cycling. You don't need the best bike in the world to go out and explore. Any bike will do, just get on and ride. Not only will you be exercising but you get to see many sights, different parts of your city, town or countryside that you may not always visit. I love to cycle in Spain, particularly in Majorca as the weather and terrain is amazing, if you ever get the chance I'd recommend you hire a bike there.

If you're not an outdoorsy person then you should try joining the local gym. They have various machines that are pretty self-explanatory. If you research an exercise plan and use it 3+ times per week you will get into good shape pretty quickly. Otherwise you should use a personal trainer who will give you a personalised programme. Doing this will give you good results for target areas you specifically want to improve. And remember, no pain, no gain!

Being a cyclist I'm not a fan of walking as it's pretty tiring for me but it's another form or exercise that will keep you fit and healthy. I have friends who love to go for runs and walks and say it's a great way to explore the countryside and see some fantastic views." - Chris Latham

When trying to keep fit and healthy the most important thing is to keep active no matter what it is you do. How are you keeping fit this summer? Tweet us @OregaOffices to share your tips!

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