Orega Blog

Lynsey O'Keefe announced as new COO

Written by Zach Douglas | Sep 13, 2018 11:00:00 PM

We're pleased to welcome Lynsey O'Keefe as Orega's Chief Operating Officer with her mission to oversee our business operations and ensure we achieve our goals.

Originally from Northumberland, Lynsey started off as an accountant and rapidly climbed up the corporate ladder of success with a track record for delivering significantly increased revenue growth.

Lynsey, why did you join Orega?

Lynsey: "Having spent 20 years in the corporate world working with companies like DHL and GE, it's a refreshing change to join an ambitious SME with a wealth of talent. Serviced offices is a fast-paced industry, and Orega has the platform and agility to achieve its ambitious growth aspirations."

And what do you bring to Orega?

Lynsey: "My key abilities are in directing and shaping a business by unlocking aspiration in a very logical way to turn it into reality. Orega is operating in a growing marketplace with a brilliant product, and my goal is now to fine-tune the business to make sure we stay ahead. 

"I'll be 'conducting the orchestra' so we work in the most efficient, customer-focused and best-employer way. The priority is to make sure that everything we do is purposefully connected to the company's objectives."

Based at Orega's headquarters in central London, Lynsey will be responsible for driving operational excellence as Orega continues to grow its portfolio across the UK and help us to continue building our reputation for superior customer experience. 

Zach Douglas, Managing Director and CEO, said: "Orega is now an 18-year-old business and we wanted to bring in someone with a proven track record and ability of growing a successful business in a corporate environment to take us to the next level. Lynsey has a great pedigree as a leader, and bringing her on board is a positive step in the journey to deliver our growth plans through providing best in class customer experience."

We welcome Lynsey and look forward to her insight and direction.

 Header image: Unsplash